Tag: healthy living.

Eating Once A Day: A Surprisingly Easy Way To Lose Weight?
Health Nutrition

Eating Once A Day: Easy Weight Loss Strategy

May 9, 2024
Eugene Young
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Imagine losing up to 11 pounds in about 10 weeks. This is what 40 studies on intermittent fasting show. But looking closer, we see a story that’s more complex. Intermittent fasting has a wide range of dropout rates, from 0-65%. This rate is similar to traditional calorie restriction diets. It seems the timing and frequency […]

Comparative chart illustrating differences between the Paleo and Keto diets
Diet & Nutrition

The Ultimate Showdown: Paleo Diet vs Keto Diet

March 20, 2024
Eugene Young
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Paleo and Keto are two popular diets that have gotten a lot of attention lately. People who follow the Paleo diet, which is also called the “caveman diet,” eat whole, unprocessed foods that our ancestors could have found during the Paleolithic period. Lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all in this group. […]